Company Offer Community

Generated on 2024-12-21


Our programs

As our values stand, we want to rely on standard, portable solutions whenever possible.

To link those solutions together, as well as to add elements that they might miss, we develop our own code.

We intend to ultimately have a few number of libraries to implements the principal functionalities that we often encounter. By combining those, and the standard solutions availlable, we plan to be able to make custom solutions fastly and efficiently.

Exemple of our capabilities will also be packaged to allow us to have easy to use demo programs.

Our current contracts and prospects have lead us to develop the following solutions for now:

  • Base for web site in PHP, with easy editing, list of news, users in roles, role-based permissions,... Typical install time starts at 2-3 days, depending on existing hardware, software, graphical design,...
  • Email tracking application in Java, to be able to know which emails sent have lead the user to click on the provided link,...(being written now)
  • Distributed application for access of object data from multiple points, with integrated alert system, easy configuration, browser interface, machine-machine interface,... (we can't be more precise here for now).